How to Keep Your Liver Healthy

How to Keep Your Liver Healthy

Spring is the time when nature blossoms in its full beauty, birds sing their melodies, and the sun gently warms the earth. During this period of dynamic growth, we also feel a fresh energy within us, as spring encourages changes and transformation. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the importance of caring for the liver during this season, as it is believed to be crucial for our well-being. The liver, often referred to as the "leader of spring," is said to be responsible for harmony within the body. The color of spring is green, symbolizing growth and renewal, while emotions associated with poor liver function may include anger, impatience, and jealousy.

The liver is one of the key organs in our body, responsible for metabolism, detoxification, and energy regulation. Therefore, it is essential to take care of it and strengthen it so that it can effectively perform its functions. It is responsible for the flow of energy and blood to every cell in the body, while also acting as a filter responsible for storage and metabolism. Before embarking on a cleansing regimen or so-called "detox," it is necessary to strengthen the liver first, and then cleanse it.


How do I know when I need to strengthen my liver?


  • If you wake up feeling tired and unrested, regardless of the length of sleep.
  • If you wake up multiple times between 1 and 3 in the morning, which is usually associated with the liver's cycle in our body (biological liver time).
  • If you have swollen eyes, dark circles, and dark circles around the eyes in the morning.
  • If you are constantly irritable, angry, and have difficulty expressing our emotions without complete agitation.
  • If you experience pain at the point where the liver meridian is located (see picture below).


Liver meridian.

How do I strengthen the liver?


In addition to being aware of signs indicating weakened liver function, such as fatigue, insomnia, and irritability, it is also important to include foods that will help strengthen this vital organ in our diet. Anything green and bitter is good for the liver. Artichokes, nettles, asparagus, grapefruit, turmeric, and milk thistle are just some of the foods that can be included in our diet to support liver health. At the same time, we should avoid foods that could burden the liver, such as overly fatty foods, alcohol, and excessive sugars.


Green color - the color that the liver like.


Foods that strengthen the liver: artichokes, nettles (can also be tea), asparagus, fennel, dandelion, chicory, grapefruit, turmeric, curry, anise, sprouts, chicory, milk thistle.

Foods that weaken the liver: coffee, nuts, dairy products, paprika (also in powder form).


How to strengthen the liver with sound and color?


In addition to diet, the liver can also be strengthened through sound and color. The sound »Shh« and visualization of the color green are ways to connect with this organ and provide support. The liver likes the sound "Shh." It's like telling someone a little louder to be quiet.

When we are on a walk, we can hold onto the liver, which lies under the right ribcage. We imagine inhaling all the green color that surrounds us into them, and exhale with a quiet "Shh, Shh" sound. We repeat this for some time. The liver meridian point is located on the top of the foot. See the picture. We massage this point to strengthen the liver. To truly strengthen our liver, it is crucial to incorporate these habits and practices into our daily lives and maintain them over an extended period. By doing so, we will undoubtedly notice an improvement in our well-being and health, ensuring a more balanced and energetic lifestyle.


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